Mon 06 Jan
Time To Have Fun With A Top Notch Beauty Dont Miss Out - 21
(Springfield, spfld in or out and areas close by)
Warm, & Ready To Play With U - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
/////// Visiting //////// Busty Blonde Bombshell ///-- Nothing less than the best! 💋💋Specials💋💋 - 28
Top of the line. Nothing compares to me!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
**sweet, sexy brunette BOMBSHELL ** new to the area, eager to please and waiting for YOUR call** - 22
(Springfield, Springfield Misouri)
♛♛[☆THe ☆Pєяƒє¢† ☆TREAT☆ ]♛💚♛[☆] ❤❤🎀💕🎀 YoU HAvEN'T HaD ❤❤💖ThE BeST 💖❤❤👑UnTIL YoU'vE HAD☆ME - 21
sexy passionate sweet 65 incall/ 75 outcall hurry dont miss out this great special New pic - 33
(Springfield, north spgfld)
Got a SWEET tooth??? Lemme Calm YOUR me won't be sorry... - 33
(Springfield, St.Robert/Lebanon)
inCaLl oUtacaLl SpECiaLs...LiL miSS ExotIc ThInG MsS.PleASuRe swEEt.. sEdUcTIve BeDrOoM EyEs - 22
Get ready for love in 5 min!!! - 23
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, Right here, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
😘 💋📲💋╠╣E╚╚O♥♥ 🌹🌹₪₪₪₪₪₪₪💵₪ ▬▬▬ [ VISITING ] 📲😘▬▬▬▬▬▬▬★█ 💵🌹((NEW IN TOWN)) - 22
(Springfield, your place or mines)
¤¤¤ H€LL© B©¥S ¤¤¤ Come Play In My Candy Shop ¤ $60 Sp€cIaL§ ~ 2 Girl Special Available - 24
(Springfield, S. Springfield)
☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ G¡F†€D ☆{ BLONDE } - - 22
(Springfield, INCALL specials & outcalls!)
hot and sexy it cold outside come bundle up with me and lets stay warm - 35
(Springfield, Springfield and branson)
Enjoy a Real beautiful lady Tonight ♡ DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE FAKES ♢ Unrushed Sensual sessions - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,republic,branson,ozark)
Every Man Needs A lil Patience. .. Sexy Specials " Me" 😘 24\7..... - 32
(Springfield, sprungfield, mo. just for a few hrs 😊)
Can You Be MY VALENTINE Please, Cause I am ALL ALONE on Valentines Day:( - 25
(Springfield, Springfield area)
**Extremely $kILlEd $WeeT n $LIPPERY % REAL FREAKY ** 🎉 ★ 🎉 ★°•°★ 🎉 Dees ready to play 🎉 ★°•°★ - 32
FLW __ ☆ ßiG FuN in a SmAll PaCkAg€ ♥ ßUST¥ BRuNeTt€ ßaRßi€ (80) ☆ __ FLW - 24
(Springfield, ***FLW*ST ROBERT***)
Sun 05 Jan
UnForGeTTabLe $pEcIaLz! CLY ** ExOTiC ** UniQuE ** Im ALL You Need! - 26
(Springfield, SoUtHsIdE*SpRiNgFiELd)
WeeKend SpEcAiLs wItH A DiRtY ★*Blonde ♥ ƸӜƷ ♥★* AVAILABLE NOW ♥ ƸӜƷ No RuSh - 28
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson, Will Travel)
*sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy * WeLL ReVieWeD* NEW NUMBER - 29
(Springfield, South Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
••❤•• —— SINFULLY ••❤•• SWEET ••❤•• CARAMEL ••❤•• TREAT —— ••❤•• - 27
(Springfield, Springfield In/Out)
✨🍭 SwEeT lIkE cAnDy🍭✨ ✈️Heading out soon✈️ *specials until 6am* - 21
(Springfield, North springfield outcall and incall)
(Springfield, s/e spfld)
Huge boobs!!! 42DDs Sweetest girl on backpage love to kiss and cuddle low flat rates - 26
♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ❤ extremely❤ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪sexy ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ❤ hottie❤ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫ NEW PIC NEW PIC 50 in/out - 34
(Springfield, North springfield)
(( H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLÐ )) (( H¡GHL¥ G¡FÐ )) (( 100 $$ SPECIALS)) - 26
Come Join me for Fun, Sexy !120.00hrly!417-551-2398 - 29
(Springfield, ozark/springfield/branson/surround areas)
Sat 04 Jan
~~~Treat YOURself to a Little Extra Loving~~~OUTCALL and INCALL Specials - 30
(Springfield, North Springfield)
💋💖T-I-G-H-T & Toned Treat 💖 💋Beauty, Booty, & Brains!! Local & Highly Reviewed 😊 - 28
(Springfield, incall/ outcall)
TrUe BeAuT!FuL BlOnDe BaBe ***** T-U-E-S-D-@-Y ****** 80 S-P-E-C-I-@-L-S beFoRe 8 *** T-A-S-T-Y - 23
(Springfield, ?Where You Want Me?)
~The 1 The Only Mzz Saphyrre~100% Real or Free~ - 21
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
Hey BRANDY is back come cool down with this OKLAHOMAS WATERMELONS!!! 50hr - 23
CliCk Me!! Im eXaCtLy WaT u LoOkInG 4! BrAnD nEw SEXY pIcS. DoNt MiSs OuT oN tHe ChAnCe Of a LiFeTiM - 22
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
Fri 03 Jan
☆ TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe ☆ 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT!! - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)