Sun 12 Jan
New Girl Special Dymund Princess InCall Special ....... Available 24 hrs - 22
(Springfield, Springfield (InCall Only))
Sat 11 Jan
♥ ! Limited Time HUrry BaBY♥ Ebony Dominican Mix Beauty ! ♥120 Outcall Special♥ New 1 Night Only - 20
***FT W00D/$T ROBERT @R3@*** ((2 B@D B1TCH3$ @T TH3 $@M3 D@MN T1M3)) N3W P1C$ - 22
(Springfield, Fort Leonard Wood/Waynesville/St. Robert)
Hey GUYS 🚶🚶its HOT🔥🔥 outside come COOL down💦💦 with BRANDY'S💃💃 WATERMELONS🍉🍉 - 33
○Sweet&discreet;○•° professional○● UPscale□ ○ ○●•°417 920 8535♡Gentlemen only!♢ - 26
(Springfield, Springfield & Branson areas)
Your Ultimate Dream Girl Has a Big Secret!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ ___ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E )
(iincall north springfield)
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
sexy Blonde barbie doll ((ask to send my pics)) - 26
(Springfield, springfield branson republic nixa)
It's the Season 🎄🎁🎀 Treat YOURSELF🎁🎀 💦💦JUICY Peach 🍑X.X.X💦💦 😘 - 28
(In/out 🎄🎄 Holiday Special 😉, Springfield)
Ft.Leonard Wood 💋Blonde BOMBSHELL 💋💎 hot new girl in town 💕 100% real - 21
(Springfield, fort Leonard Wood (surrounding areas))
*.·♡¤Hey guys do you know what's better than cassie alone? Me With one off my gfs!! CALL US¤♡·.* - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
___ Chrissy Kisses!!! TER ID 84243 ____ Don't be shy ;-* MAKE MONDAYS YOUR FUNDAYS! - 40
🌺ATTENTION!! _____ 🌺🌸🌸Petite Hardcore Goddess 🌺🌺You- Tube video proof🌺🌸Available! !🌸🌸 - 22
(Springfield, In or Out call I drive myself)
♥♣ AVAIL NOW ♥♣ 1000% ME ♥♣ #1 Uniq ★ Exotic ★ Petite ★ Beauty . In calls/ out calls♣ - 24
(Springfield, Kansas City, Mo)
[[ 80 In EarLy BiRd sPeCIaL ]] BeAuTiFuL BruNeTTe HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs! - 28
..-:¦:-..° A___ R AL ___MAN'S___ C H O I C °..-:¦:-..° HuRrY B4 I LeAvE - 21
(OutCALL 150!!!!!)
I like a man in black dress socks 💋 💋
(Columbia/Jeff City, everywhere, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
•*¨¨*•-:¦: -•* WHEN _-:¦:-_ ONLY _-:¦:-_ THE _-:¦:-_ BEST _ -:¦:-_ WILL_-:¦:-_ DO *¨¨*•-:¦: -•* - - 21
VISITING 100%real VIDEO PROOF :: Freaky KINDA Girl Better Than Her & HER (sexy TS) - 28
(Springfield, visiting/incall only)
Warm, & Ready To Play With U
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, anywhere you want me!)
______ TRANSEXUAL _________ VISITING ____ _______MAY 04-06 _______ _________ LATINA____ ______HOTTIE - 22
:¦:THE BEST :¦:L O O K :¦: :YOU'RE: :GONNA: :¦:LOVE:¦: :ME :¦: :¦:BABY - 20
(South Spfld)
❤The Most -Sexy-Kinky & Erotic-Passionate-Highly Reviewed BBW From PHX! DRENCHING Videos! Specials!❤ - 25
(Springfield, Joplin/Springfield OUTCALL BY APPT ONLY!)
It is the holidays treat yourself to me417-331-0493 I'm in branson!!!$125 donations - 50
(branson, Springfield)
l ☆ TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdenT - 29
(Springfield, Incall & Outcalls)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
★L€T *M€* M@k€ ◄ *¥0uR* ► T€mP€r@TuR€ *R¡§€◄ •►SpEaiCaL'S EarLy MoRnInG - 22
(Springfield, Surr Area's,Ft.Wood,Joplin,Branson,Nixa)
in and out calls provided Hey Here I Am What Took So Long To Find Me - 26
(n Springfield, Springfield)
I'm †hɛ Uℓ†imatɛ Miχ of pɛrfɛction✨ Sɛχу body with pɛrky fɛa†urɛs - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, missouri, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
🎰JACKP🎱T!!🎰 EbOnY BeAuTy!‼️🎯 Immaculate SkiLLs🎲🎲 SuPeR sE❌y‼️24/7‼️💋Call Now‼️) - 30
(S. Springfield off hwy65, Springfield)
🎰💰💲J 🇦 🇨🇰🇵🅾🇹💲💰🎰 So ℳaηy ⚀ Choℹ¢عs ⚁ ₩hy ⚂ Gaⴅხℓع� ₩hعη ⚃ I'ⴅ⚄ ♤♠ A ♠♤ Sυяع ₩iη 💋👅💋 - - 25
{100 Special} 1 oF a KiNd iRReSiSTiBLe BrUneTTe w/ toe CuRLiNg sKiLLs [ 180Hr Outcall ] - 27 - 27
(Springfield Area)
brand new cokebottle frame Latina dont miss out here limited time only - 22
(Kansas City, in and out available)
BUILT➋ PLEASE👌❖βrυπεττε Cυτiε w/ α βσστγ❖╠╣αNDS Down T╠╣e BEST ArⓞuNd❖Wεℓℓ Rɛɤɪɛωεɗ ☎Cαℓℓ➜80 InCaLL - 30
(Springfield, North Spfd Incall/Outcalls 24/7-80Incall)
BRANSON / SPRINGFIELD_ 👑B __👄 E __👄 A __👄 U __👄 T __👄I __👄 F __👄U __👄L __👑M👑A👑J.👑 - 20
(Springfield, Si Hablo espanol ! __ In or outcall)
☆★.•*¨¨*•. ☆_☆★.•*¨¨*•. ☆BACK__ I.N __T.O.W.N ☆★.•*¨¨*•. ☆__ PiCk Me!!__ ☆★.•*¨¨*• - 23
(Springfield, ★★My Place INCALL 80.00 Specials)
REPORT AD ; Sexy young college girl wants to have some fun :) - 21
(Springfield, Incall / Outcall Springfield)
★°o© HOT hot HOT hot °o© °★° sexxy lil PETITE sweet heart ready to serve you !!!!! - 22
🌟CuTie】↹↹ 【JuiCyBooTy】↹↹ 【B℮DROOM ℮yes↹【CuRVy THighs】↹↹ 【SOft LíPs】 ↹↹【NiCE Tits】↹↹【€lit€ SerViC €】 - 24
(Springfield, springfield. outcalls 2 joplin)
EaRLy BiRd SPeCIaL ( €xTr€m€Ly S€XY BruN€tt€ ) °o•★©•° ADDICTIV€ CuTi€ W/ a SMaCkABl€ BooTy!! - 30
(Springfield, Spfd In/Outcalls 24/7)
Chrissy Kisses!!! Nationally Ranked Provider! Sept 15 - Sept 18th (thru saturday!) - 40