Mon 27 Jan
💋 Tasty n Sweet someone you'll Love too meet!!!(417) 772 - 6491♪🌟 *♥* Luscious Lips, Curv body, - 24
(Springfield, Springfield, Mo)
Super Soaker ☆ Let me dance on your pole ☆ 0utçall! - 27
❤•° SinFul SeXy All Natural Blonde ❤•° Sweet 💋Hot Super N@ughty💋 ❤•° VISITING ❤•° - 33
Slim, Sexy, & Ready !! For You Baby!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
SeXxY * ExOTiC * UniQuE * ..OnE In A mILLiOn (Di$cReeT) VIP $PECIALZ TIL 8! - 26
(Springfield, *SpRiNgFiELd* in/outcalls)
***Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(private/ upscale Incall location, Springfield)
★☆—§PaNkABL€ BoOt¥ ♚•☆•(52 inches oF Enjoyment) •☆• §K¡LL€D L¡P§ & T¡GHT GR¡P§ •☆ All night long - 26
(Springfield, s.springfield)
♥ Quality Playmate ♥ The Complete Package ♥ TRUSTED Local Provider ♥😊 - 28
(Springfield, in/out calls)
NeW* DiScReEt* (BLONDE) CuTiE WiT a BoOtY (100 $peCiaLs!!) GET EM NOW!! FrEaKy!! - 26
(Springfield, *^*SpRiNgFiELd*^*(IN)OR(OUTCALLS))
🍬🍭 I TaSte JuSt LiKe KaNdY 🍬🍭 SeXy AnD SwEeett !My SwEeT TrEaTs🍬🍭 - 24
(Springfield, North Springfield)
* *(¯`' .. '´¯) F R E A K Y ♥W H I T E ♥G I R L (¯`' .. '´¯) * * - 24
(Springfield, *Springfield*)
Fridays LAST DAY HERE ~ LOVE Lessons ~ By Goddess TANTRA ~ Even BETTER then it sounds ~ - 51
.*.*~Hey guys call me to make your dreams come true no matter what it takes~.*.* - 22
(Springfield, springfield mo. and surrounding areas)
Hi guys, its Alyssa a.k.a XratedQT. Back in Ft. Wood to show you what it's supposed to be like!! - 24
(Springfield, Ft. Leonard Wood/ St. Robert)
$exy m@n $peci@l ! seductive & sexy what's not to like I promise you the whole unleashed 4173657065 - 25
(Springfield, in /out)
Cute Asian Women are waiting for YOU!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
Sun 12 Jan
>>> (_!_)*Back In FLW* SeXy ♥NaTuRaL RedHead♥ "FiRe"*New PICS*(_!_)
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(Incall))
Passionate Kisses, Soft Skin, & A Desire To Please.. Thats Me!! - 39
(Springfield, Lebanon Mo/Springfield Possible w/notice)
Petite *¨¨*. ✿ .*¨¨* La La Luscious *¨¨*. ✿ .*¨¨* Sweet ** back by popular demand - 22
(Springfield, springfield//branson)
Sat 11 Jan
FACE of an ANGEL _BODY of a GODDESS_SO SiNFULLY _ S E X Y-- o.O❤O < - 20
(Springfield, 44/ Glenstone)
Are you Lookin For a Down to Earth Upscalε X-RATED Friend W/a Personality & Playful Sense of Humor - 27
⭐️ Cutie ' With A Nice BØØTY 🔥👅 Better Than Her 👇🏽 && Her👆🏽💦😜🔥💥😽 LAST DAY IN SPFD🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 24
(South Springfield, Springfield)
NEW In Town VISiTiNG ~ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ Special ❤ ▃▆▓▓ new ▓▓▆▃ Beautiful ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 23
(Springfield, Incall/outcall)
Every Man's Fantasy Is Finally In Springfield! - 25
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
**Better Then Any Other~'' Always Here'' To Please~ $70 special till 2pm - 25
(Springfield, ft wood/st.robert)
80 Incall ★💎— Gentℓεmεn's Cho¡cε ][√¡ρ ρℓαγmα†ε ] ★💎—↘яєα∂у т♡ ρℓєαѕє у♡υ - 30
(Springfield, Spfd In/Outcalls 24/7)
Local College Student😍NeW.IN..Town ..🍫💋FiNg€r ❤ L!Ck!N 🍰 GoOd ❤ €bONy ❤ ★🍫 [[YOUR GF EXP]] - 25
(Springfield, Kansas Exp - Private Incall)
💯🎂💦Make My Kitty Purr😜👅🔥36D's thick Butt....SuPer Sexy Naughty🍌🍯🍫🍦Ebony Freak Ready For Fun 👅👙💋 - 23
(Springfield, 🎀 incalls Springfield SouthWest)
° ~ Kinky, sexy, freaky, come see what has then coming back ~ ° $t.Robert area - 25
(Springfield, $t. Robert area)
I'm †hɛ Uℓ†imatɛ Miχ of pɛrfɛction✨ Sɛχу body with pɛrky fɛa†urɛs - 24
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, missouri, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Am baby girl am in town looking for a my play make - 27
(Springfield, Springfield Missiouri (in and out calls))
$100 SpECiAls **** $100 SpECiAls **** $100 SpECiAls **** $100 SpECiAls **** $100 SpECiAls **** $100 - 33
(INcall- North Springfield)
~~~ R~I~S~E~~~ A~N~D~~~ §~H~I~N~E ~~~ call now ~~~~ - 25
(Springfield, ★((((outcalls Only))★)
** Everything springfield is missing and wishing they had.. Mz. Bethany 417-619-5439 - 25
---> °•❤•° HIGH QUALITY blonde in town for a short visit °•❤•° - 24
(Springfield, FT.WOOD 2 SPRINGFIELD)
Fri 10 Jan
Well Reviewed sweet and jucee in all ways and ready to play - 26
(Springfield, spfld and surrounding areas)
Ladies are you ready to earn what YOU desire? We can help you LEGITIMATE company seeks you! - 37
(Kansas City, Springfield, St. Louis, USA)
Eager to play♡¤♥ outcall♡¤♥ dont let this go untouched♡¤♥ guarantee the best ♡¤♥ - 25
(Springfield, outcall only)
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT! 100 HaLf hR - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incalls/Outcall Special 24/7)
🔥🔥Little Hotti WiTh a Hott Body🔥🔥Meet Kelly💋TruCkeR Friendly!!💋 ☎4176194512☎ - 25
(All of Springfield and Surrounding towns, Springfield)