Mon 27 Jan
SWeeT LIKE HoNEY 🍯⭐️⭐️⭐️5⭐️⭐️ SHHHH ... 🔝Shelf 💋💋 Secret 👤 Stash HURRY 🏃DONT Miss ME - 19
(Springfield, 🏪Springfield)
Sugar & Spice - Let me pamper U! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, 10 minutes away)
staying til wednesday leaving for Cali soon 65 hr incall and outcall - 33
(Springfield, spgfld/ branson)
Sensual! ~ Passionate! and Freaky! ~Last night in town! I'm on a mission to make You Happy!! - 45
(Springfield, Springfield area in/ outcall)
***Petite Young♨reviewed ! Sweetheart♨ college student 📚 - Fullbody TREATMENT NON Agency discreet - 21
(private/ upscale Incall location, Springfield)
outcall outcall📲❗only 💨🌚 2 Night 〰💋 Top⬆ Quality👑Always the BEST! 💘 OUTCALLS ONLY🔚 - 29
(Springfield, 417 area... OUT)
**PURE SATiSFACTiON** {SexY BLONDE} %HOT SPECiALS!% Available Now!** - 21
(Springfield, springfield mo (in calls only))
New to area fun size unique doll No AA Men outcalls only - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
P.Y.T. >~AnGeL fAcE, with a ThIcK wAiSt!!!~>. dOn't mIsS oUt! eArLyByRd $pEcIaL$ - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,Mo)
NEW!! [•★•M a i n•°°•A t t r a c t i o n •★•] H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€Ð ★ And F®€@ky 2 The Core! Available NOW! - 22
( ➜ NÕ RU§H .. NÕ GÅMs!!!(( Verified Provider))YOUR Fun sized Playmate ARION ALI - 19
(S. SPFLD ೋ in.out)
I am up & R€AdY 2 GO ¡?¿! No Rush, JusT A wHolE LottA FUN. 100$$>\HaLf Hr° Call NOW¡!! - 25
GONE YOU MISSED ME 100%real VIDEO PROOF :: Freaky KINDA Girl Better Than Her & HER (sexy TS) - 28
(Springfield, visiting/incall only)
Sun 12 Jan
Report Ad► *°♥•°*ღ* _ B_R_U_N_E_T_T_E __ *ღ* __ D_R_E_A_M__ *ღ* __G_I_R_L —— • °♥•* - 19
(Springfield, My place or urs)
Sat 11 Jan
ȯ BEAUTIFUL Brunette HOTTIE w/ AMAZING Skills & SEDUCTIVE Body ȯ WeLL ReVieWeD - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
XoXo Sweet and seductive!!!! Your lil sexii secret!!!! XoXO SPECIALS - 25
(Springfield, Springfield & Ft. Leonard wood)
•°~ UnFoRGeTTaBLe Brunette HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs & a SeNSaUL Touch! •°~ LaTe NiGhT•EaRLy BiRD SpE - 30
(Springfield, south springfield area Incalls/Outcalls)
Mesmerizing Experience!!! In or Outcalls available (Visiting) I'M HERE LIMITED TIME ONLY!!! - 27
(Joplin, Lake Of The Ozarks, Springfield, Springfield, MO)
Blonde Bombshell * Early Morning Specials * Sexy thighs * Bedroom eyes * - 23
♡♥☆★ Busty Brunette ♡♥ GET TREATED LIKE A KING ☆ §W€€t D€ÅLs Until 1pm - 26
(Springfield, Springfield south)
ೋ -:¦:- FLIRTY ೋ -:¦:- LITTLE -:¦:- SECRET ೋ $ SPECIALS $ REVIEWED - 24
(Springfield, (In Call & Out))
Fri 10 Jan
ThE PeRfEcT PLaYmaTe *+*OnE Of A KiNd* aMaZiNg* BeAuTiFuL *ExOtIc* ErOtIc (FtWoODs FINEST!) $peCiaLz - 26
(Springfield, +*+Ft.WoOd*+*In/OuTcaLLz)
♡ let my lips do the exploring☆★♡ Best in town 💰 50 special 💰 - 36
(Springfield, Springfield Branson)
**Let me show you what the best feels like **
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, anywhere you want me!)
➖👯 All NATURAL 👯 ➖➖.ღ. HiGHLY SkiLLEd .ღ. ➖➖☆ ABSOLUTELY Gorgeous ✰➖➖💋 - 100% all Me - 29
(Springfield, springfield,and surrounding)
grab on tight, and hold on, get ready 4 the ride of your life - 24
(incalls sprfld/outcalls everywhere)
Thu 09 Jan
Treat yourself New√ Exotic√ Hot√ Fun√ °°*Platnium Blonde*°° - 23
(Springfield, << Look Here One Sweet Juicy booty)
✪ȘΘƲτħεરɴ Ꭿƈƈεɴτ Ꭿɴɖ ᎯɱᎯՀίɴĢ ᎯȘȘετȘ✪ ♧amazin specials♧ (♡_♡) 2 Ģίરι ȘħΘώȘ(♡_♡) ✪ⓝⓔⓦ ⓟⓘⓒⓢ✪ - 20
(Springfield, south Springfield (UPSCALE HOTEL))
100 InCaLL [[[ *sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy]]] - 27
*** N*UGHTY * R * NICE * She *Can't *Do *It *Like * Me* LET'S* HAVE* FUN*** - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding area)
* Snowy FriDay Nite * ToNite is this "SWEET GA PEACH" LAST night in TOWN * "150" UnRushed HouR* - 39
(Springfield, Medical Mile Area)
PERFECT CHOICE ________ Playful & Seductive 5'4" ââ CHECK ME OUT __ 417-299-8902 - 25
Wed 08 Jan
SPECIALS!!♡What You Have Been Waiting For! Call ME 417 894 6615♡ - 20
(Springfield, springfield my place Incall)
MixeD LATINA Call NoW ✨💦✨💦✨💦✨CoMe PlAy In My TreASuReS ✨💦✨💦✨💦✨💦 - 22
(Springfield, Springfield i go to you)
NEW PICS! ♥ ♥ T-I-G-H-T & Toned Treat! ♥ 💋 Reviewed & Recommended! TRUSTED Local Provider ;-) - 28
(Springfield, SATURDAY & SUNDAY !!!!!!!!)
CLaSSy, $eXy, & ThIck! Let me show YoU what ur missing! - 22
(Springfield, Springfield OutCall ONLY)
💋 Your #1💦₩€T & ₩¡ℓd 🍒 ρℓαγℳαtε N-T☆wn! Onℓy AVA¡ℓaBℓε N➊W 🌺 (417)720-0763 - 24
(Springfield, 🍒 ¡N☎CAℓℓs💋 AVA¡ℓaBℓε 🍒)
🎂🍰🍬🍭§€xY ßu§Ty BruNett€ fit 4 A King --~»Før Yøu® Pl€Å§URÊ Ønly ((Up EarLy)) - 25
(Springfield, INCALL or Out)
Pretty as Heaven, & Sweet as HeLL!! SeXy & CuRvY aLL NaTuTaL ReDhEaD!! 80$pecial$ * 312-919-7two44 - 27
(Springfield, , and surrounding!!!)
Tue 07 Jan
((Classy Blonde Babe)) ***** ((Reviewed)) +++ SpEcIaLs +++ And 2 girl If You Can Take it! - 22
(Springfield, in out)
+*+ 100 $PECIALZ +*+ Mz.NiKKi **UnFoRgEtTaBLe **(AMAZING) *+*&aLLyOuRs; (UrPlAcE/mInE) - 26
(Springfield, *+*sPrInGfIELd&SuRrOuNdInG;*(In*OuTcaLLs))
* Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (U_S_) - 20
(Springfield, springfield can travel)
Your ★SPECIAL PACKAGE TAMARA★ has arrived! ◆♡Jaw Dropping Skills - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
❥——» Why yes, It did hurt when I fell from heaven. Wanna n' kiss my Boo Boo's?? - 30
(Springfield, Sprungfield)
Mon 06 Jan
Sun 05 Jan
Takin It Down Tuesdays!!** TuES Night Stay a while and decrease donation by 25$ - 36
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson)