Mon 27 Jan
: —————— ———————— —————————— ———————SEXY CHOCOLATE SWEETHEART— ——————— —————————— —————————— - 33
(St. Louis, airport area incalls only)
Satisfying and Unrushed Time With a Sexy Woman
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
🔥$pecials ToDay $100outcallNOW 🔥Class-A Play💕👯💕👯💕Bunny $100♛【JU¡CY • P¡NK】❤( SuP€r ♥Fr€aK) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield Mo in/out calls)
PICS!!!´¯` ALL ´¯` YOU ´¯` NEED ´¯` AND ´¯` MORE ´¯` 5 STAR★!!!! - 21
(Springfield, springfield OUTCALL?INCALL)
**NeEdINg SumOnE To PuT YOuR MinD At EaSe N AiM To PleAsE?** Specials - 24
(Springfield, Springfield/Surrounding Areas)
-M y * * * P _a__ n _t _i__e__s ; W__a __n__n __a * * * C __o__ m__ e ; O __f__ f FT LEONARDWOOD - 23
(ft leonardwood today only)
Lets Start This Week Off Right ~60 SPECIALS.... Sexy Patience~ Well Reviewed 193810 (24/7) - 30
(Springfield, S. Springfield)
[HiGHLy RECOMMENDABLE] 🍒 _________ [BUSTy BEAUTy] 🍒 _________ [ BOMBSHEll] 🍒 - 28
(Kansas City, outcalls/incalls)
***FLW and SPFLD *¨¨*-: ✦ :-* Cutie with an APPLEBOTTOM Booty*-: ✦ :-*¨¨* 2 GIRL - 30
Fort WOOd & St Roberts💲💲💋 Specials Last Day 💲💲Credit Cards Accepted👄🍨🍬sweet with a cherry on top 🍒 🍭spoil you rotten 🍦 - 24
(FoRT Wood st Robert, Springfield)
Every Hot Provider at every Erotic Massage Parlor in Your Town. Here's all the Dirty Details
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
FT. LENORDWOOD ~*~ MISS ~*~ S*Q*U*I*R*T ~*~ Really Hot And SeXxXy ~*~ Real Busty ~*~ - 25
♥✘♥✘♥ CRAViNG★ SOMETHiNG★SWEET ✘ PINK ✘ MOIST & N.A.U.G.H.T.Y ♥✘♥✘♥ P I C K ★ M E♥✘♥✘♥ - 29
Sun 12 Jan
charming, exotic playmate... ready to escape with you
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
♡♥♡♥ NewNew Camila Here 2 Cater to You ♡♥♡♥ Columbian Goddess 24/7 Oncall - 24
(Springfield, Springfield Incall / Outcall 24/7)
Sat 11 Jan
S'E'X'Y ______ N'E'W ___ C'U'R'V'Y____ _ W'I'L'D__ ___ B'U'S'T'Y ____ B'E'A'U'T'Y (B=L=O=N=D=E )
(iincall north springfield)
Fri 10 Jan
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk!! rEddHoTT! $100 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
️🔳🔷▪️ ✰✰✰✰✰ EXCLUSIVE 5 STAR ✰✰✰✰✰ K.C. Kara✰✰✰✰✰ I'M ALL YOURS ▪️🔷⬛️🔳 - 27
(Springfield, Springfield(everywhere))
~*~ VERY ~*~ TALENTED ~*~ MISS ~*~ S*Q*U*I*R*T ~*~ S*Q*U*I*R*T ~*~ (my new number) - 25
(Springfield, Mt. Vernon, Branson)
TrUe DefiNiTiOn Of SeXy ☆ ClAsSy uPsCaLe BrUNeTTe 100% ReaL & InDePeNdeNT! 100 HaLf hR - 28
(Springfield, Springfield Incalls/Outcall Special 24/7)
Thu 09 Jan
🎰JACKP🎱T!!🎰 EbOnY BeAuTy!‼️🎯 Immaculate SkiLLs🎲🎲 SuPeR sE❌y‼️24/7‼️NeW#💋Call Now‼️) - 30
(Springfield, Springfield / Ft. Wood)
If you want me then come and get me
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, anywhere you want me!)
sWeeT, sa$Sy & @lwAys Cl@s$y aLL nAtuR♡L rEdhE♡D. ☆tRucKer fRiEnDly☆ 8O 0uT $pEcIals - 27
(Spfld/ surrounding, Springfield)
*▓ ▒ ☆.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤ ▒ ▓ *❤SEDuCtive Badd G!rL ••♥Soft Round B00ty♥•• Warm&T;¡GhT★ I Do It The Best!! - 24
(Springfield, s-field in call/outcall)
PERFECT CHOICE ________ Playful & Seductive 5'4" ââ CHECK ME OUT __ 417-299-8902 - 25
Wed 08 Jan
50% OFF overnights 708-762-9612 PROOF PICS ! Trucker Friendly 😍TRAVEL EVERYWHERE🌎 ! 50% - 28
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, TRAVEL EVERYWHERE)
hey gentleman my name is winter ! I'M READY TO ROCK YOUR WORLD! - 25
(Springfield, & $urrounding towns in& out calls)
>>> *FLW* SeXy ♥NaTuRaL RedHead♥ "FiRe"~I'm HOT-n-READY 2 PLAY!
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(Incall))
💛💗ToP NoTcH ONE 👅✨of A KInd All ME 1#👄🍪🎉MOSt Wanted 🍒🍬Flawless 😍✌Eye Candy🍸👍 - 25
(Springfield, Springfield And Surrounding Areas)
Just what you asked Santa for. A present you can't wait to unwrap. Reviewed and verified. - 40
Tue 07 Jan
™OnE of A KiND mixed H0TtIE {{ AMaZiNG SKiLLz }} 8===> SuP€R Sexxi ARMoNi
(Springfield, Springfield/Branson/Joplin)
✨All New 🌟🎀 GORGEOUS 💄BlonDe💕IrRESistable 💋IndePendent💎Sweet 🍭Discrete🎀 Ft.Wood - 21
(Springfield, fort Leonard Wood (surrounding areas))
XO×° EarlyBird Specials °×OO×° Absolutely Sexy ×°oX°× Ready Now! Stunning Blonde - 23
(Springfield, 1 Call Away Baby)