Sat 11 Jan
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
SPFLD & FLW**HOT REVIEWS °♥ °*~* MAKAYLA *~*° ♥° Thick Sexi Seductress °° ♥ - 30
(Spfld/FLW by appt)
❇ Recommended ❇ 💗 By Every 🅾NE❗ PRETTIEST » GIRL »-💕- IN 💋»-💋TOWN❗!💜 ♥ 💗 SPECIALS ALL NIGHT - 31
SaS$y cOuNtRy cUtiE wItH a B()()ty! $80 out cAll $pecial! tRuCkEr fRiEnDLy - 28
(Out CaLL Springfield, Springfield)
sexy Blonde barbie doll ((ask to send my pics)) - 26
(Springfield, springfield branson republic nixa)
Reviewed as Spfld's #1❤️❤️So many choices, so FEW are actually real. Guaranteed I AM. - 42
(Springfield, Springfield south)
*~Ready To Make All Your Dreams Come True*KELLY *Come See Now * 417-365- 9225 ;)~*~ - 20
Ready 2 have some fun♡♡♡♡..... - 26
(SE Missouri, Springfield, Springfield and Branson surrounding area, St. Louis)
★°o© {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °o© {&}°o© {COME} °o© {PLAY} °o© °o©°TONITE ONLY - 22
💞 Must See 💖 Petite 🍦 Sexy 💖 Ebony bombshell 🍦 Killer Body 💖 NEW PiCS 💞 - 21
(Private Incalls/ Out I drive myself, Springfield)
Mixed PURE BEAUTY • E x o t i c • 1OO% All NATURAL • Available Now & All Night..! - 22
(Springfield, South Springfield, mo)
My Last Round Here!!! Just Getting the rest of my stuff!!! Catch Me Before I go! 2 GiRls T0o! :) - 24
(Springfield, incall and out)
NEW AnGeLfAcE ** ThIcK WaIsT ** 100%ME or Itz FREE!! 80$pecials80 - 26
(Springfield, springfield(INcallsONLY))
♚♛New In Town .... You've been looking for me. Busty Brunette♛♚ - 25
(Springfield, OuTCaLLs. SpRingFiELd & SuRrouNDinG)
New pics!!!!!!Girl from the south with the best mouth ;) ( 4177736778) 50$ specials !!!!!! - 21
(Springfield, springfield ( glenstone an sunshine))
🌺💖💙💟💝💗 ══ New Girl In Town ══💙🌺💙══ 💙💖🌺 - 34
(In/Out, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Springfield, St. Louis)
NEW In Town VISiTiNG ~ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ❤ Special ❤ ▃▆▓▓ new ▓▓▆▃ Beautiful ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ - 23
(Springfield, Incall/outcall)
Its going down with my wild LIPS & thick HIPS-Call Aubrey - 29
(Springfield, Springfield, Branson, sourounding areas)
It's the Season 🎄🎁🎀 Treat YOURSELF🎁🎀 💦💦JUICY Peach 🍑X.X.X💦💦 😘 - 28
(In/out 🎄🎄 Holiday Special 😉, Springfield)
Kandi Kandi Kandi 😘 573-337-8219 is at Fort Leonardwood available after noon - 38
(Leonardwood waynesville Lebanon st rober, Springfield)
MARCH 24/25 THURS/FRI _Chrissy Kisses!!! ___ **Safe, Reliable, Discreet** _____ WELL - REVIEWED - 40
♡♡Natural ♡ Irish ♡ Red ♡ Head ♡ I ♡ Wanna ♡ Make ♡ Your ♡ Fantasy ♡ Become ♡ A ♡ Reality♡♡ - 30
HeY GeNtS,iM NoT uR aVeR * ThiCk,BLoNdE, pEtiTe&MmMm; Oh$o$wEEt, oThEr$ Cant Compete! (AVAIL NOW!) - 23
($pfld¤iNcaLL~oUtCaLL(DO TRAVEL dep), Springfield)
HOT Mixed Spinner ~ €nergetic Fun LOVING sweetheart ~ CUTEST ever - 23
(Springfield, your place or mine)
(_!_){HOTTEST Reviews}BOOTYlicious RedHead MILF=>Put ur chestnutts in my "FiRe"
(Springfield, Springfield (In/Out))
FIRST TIME IN SPRINGFIELD ... ready to show you a great time .... - 22
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD MO incall/outcall)
☆$fLd$ Mo$t FiNe$t!☆VoTeD BeSt N tHe MiDwEsT! ($pCLz24/7! 1 wiLL NeVeR ReGrEt or FoRgEt!♡ - 28
(Springfield, $fLd♥iN/0UtCaLLz♥#1ChOiCe)
Ft.Leonard Wood 💋Blonde BOMBSHELL 💋💎 hot new girl in town 💕 100% real - 21
(Springfield, fort Leonard Wood (surrounding areas))
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K [{O U T}] ♥SeXxyGirl★ ♥!!ALERT!!♥ •♥ CLICK HERE❦☆❦ ▄♡1000% REAL💋💋💋💋 - 28
(Springfield, springfield mo)
CoMme ChoOse Me MiZz DaIsY the SweEtisT aN tHe bEst YoU eVeR haD - 24
(Springfield, springfield southside)
→ExTrEmElY $kILlEd $WeeT n $LIPPERY 100% REAL F R E A K Y** DEE - 28
(Springfield, Springfield $PECIAL$!!!!!!!)
cOmE & sAvOr ThIs MiDwEsT pEaCh!!!! 75$LuNcH, LaTeNiTe& eArLyByRd $pEcIALS dOnT mIsSoUt! - 24
(Springfield, nOrThSiDe, in/outcall)
Goddess TANTRA's in JOLINE Sat 1/22 - ?? Most men say you wouldn't think this WOULD FEEL Sooo GOOD - 51
Happy Angels are Now Open for Business! - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
*.·♡¤Hey guys do you know what's better than cassie alone? Me With one off my gfs!! CALL US¤♡·.* - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
█ ♥ Highly Reviewed ———— B l o n d e ' s —————— D o ♥ Y o u ———— B e s t ————— First Visit ♥ █ - 28
(Springfield, Springfield In & Out)