Fri 10 Jan
YOU Will L0VE My Skills .. GOREGOUS BRUNETTE BEAUTY.. All You Need & More ★ WeLL ReVieWeD!! - 29
(Springfield, Springfield In/Outcalls 24/7)
♥=> (_!_)NEW PICS(_!_) SeXy *NaTuRaL RedHead* "FiRe" ~HIGHLY REVIEWED~
(Springfield, Springfield(incall))
YOUR ♥▊♥FANTASY Fun Girl ♥▊♥▊HOT BABE 🌻🌻🌻🌻💯FREAKY 🌻🌻🌻🌻Ready 2 Play🌻🌻🌻🌻Out/in - 25
(Spring Field surrounding areas, Springfield)
MiSs hOnEy is BaCk!! rEddHoTT! $100 OUT cALL $pEcIaL * aMaZiNg LiPs & UnFoRgEtAbLe HiPs!! - 27
(Springfield, & surrounding)
➲➲➲≡ M i S S ==== ✣==== B e L L a ===== B L a N c A =======T h E === B e s T ==== iN≡=== ToWn=≡➲➲➲➲ - 27
(Springfield, Springfield surrounding area)
new specials running Baddest blonde bombshell Barbie up all nite double the fun I'm the 1 - 22
(Sprinield & near areas)
★☆★ ❤❤❤▂ ▃ JUST ARRIVED! Sweet & Petite Upscale BLACK & dOMINCIAN! NEW IN TOWN! ▃ - 21
NeW___ PASSIONTE ______ Sexy ______Hot ______ Brunette ____ - 21
(Springfield, I HOST OR I COME 2 U)
💲💲💲🌹🌹🌹💋💋💋🍒🍒🍒FuN TiMeS WiTh 2 BeAuTiEs WoRtH yOuR WhILe So WhAt U wAiTiNg 4? 🍒🍒🍒💋💋💋🌹🌹🌹💲 - 23
(Springfield, springfield mo)
•F• __ •I• __ •R• __ •E• __ •C• __ •R• __ •A• __ •C• __ •K• __ •E• __ •R• - 28
(Springfield, Incall & Outcall Avaliable North)
------------ Certified && Highly Recommended Hottie ------------ Today && Tomorrow Only---------- - 28
(Springfield, 100% Real, veifified and HIGHLY reviewed)
Discrete casual Encounters Escort Service is under new name and new management - 21
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
!!FLW!!MYA SWeeT LIKE HoNEY 🍯⭐️⭐️⭐️5⭐️⭐️ SHHHH ... 🔝Shelf 💋💋 Secret 👤 Stash HURRY 🏃DONT Miss M - 19
(FLW Waynesville St Roberts, Springfield)
**BrAnD NeW BoYs!! ~Monika~ And Ready 2 Play&Please;! SeXxi Blonde!!** - 27
(Springfield, FLW incall)
$100 SPECIALS ----"ToUcH M" Tŧ M SÕ MÅNY CHÕICS but NÕN LIK M" 36 DD = - 26
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD MO)
♥◆▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ♥β£AUtiFUL βL0ND3♥╠╣ERE TØ §ATi§F¥♥ [§K¡LL§ THAT W¡LL AMAZ€ U]♥ - 23
(Springfield, incall-outcall near route 66)
All you can want but couldnt have... Is Only a call away.. $70 specail thur & Fri - 25
Why call the rest I'm the best new pics Beautiful physically fit an extremely personable girl !!!! - 20
(Springfield, St Robert flw)
~ YES I'm BAcK~ (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) ~ R.E.V.I.E.W.E.D ~ In ToWN 1 NIgHT OnLY! - 26
(Springfield, Petite Lil in Springfield)
YAY 🍒🍒Good Weather Good Time With The 1&Only; Peaches Morning Specials - 21
(Springfield, Spfld & Surrounding. Areas)
🌟Super⭐New🌟Cute💞Come 👐 on & make this kitty 😻 purr.💖✦❣ⓡeal KinKy💦[✔] ✓【HIGHLY SKILLED】 - 19
(Springfield, Springfield, MO)
★█♥▒♥█★ S=T=U=N=N=I=N=G ★█♥▒♥█★ H=O=T ★█♥▒♥█★ E=X=O=T=I=C ★█♥▒♥█★ G=0=D=E=S=S= ★█♥▒♥█★ - 26
(Springfield, springfield mo)
sWeeT, sAsSy & @lwAys Cl@s$y aLL nAtuR♡L rEdhE♡D. ☆tRucKer fRiEnDly☆ 8O 0uT $pEcIals - 27
(Spfld/ surrounding, Springfield)
- *** $ *** - Just Stepped Out Of Ur Dreams, & I Taste Like Ice-Cream!!! - *** $ *** - - 22