Thu 09 Jan
New Pictures!!! 4172096862 specials!! sweetest girl on backpage love to kiss and cuddle - 26
(Springfield, nixa branson willow springs)
International model Jenna jean Taylor, I'm not from your area so please give prior notice !!! - 28
(816-541-6579 Jenna/, Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
I Promise You Won't Regret Seeing Me! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
luscious caramel petit beauty queen*** $80 specials for limited time - 23
(Springfield, springfield mo)
Its Jada... Ready 4 u 100 specials Blonde and Brunette.. 2 gurls 4 U - 21
(Springfield, Joplin, monett, nixa,)
25 year old MALE offering sensual massage with my strong hands! You will leave satisfied 💦real pics - 25
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
7 Year Female Owned Family Managed Escort Team Hiring Inhouse Females 18-21 - 18
(Springfield, Be Ready To Relocate To Sunny Florida)
~ All Expenses Paid - Professional Management - Guaranteed Safety - $1,500 Per Day!!! ~
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
👙100% REAL 🎉Fun 👅KinKY 👠ClassY Playmate 💋☀️Always Available🌙📞CALL NOW ☎️ - 22
(Springfield, 24Hrs Springfield !)
.•*¨¨*•- :¦:-•* A:L:L N:A:T:U:R:A:L *•-: ¦ :-• SUPER *•-: ¦ :-•*¨¨* SEXY*:COMPANION - Special - 27
100 InCaLL [[[ *sOoOo SEXY * aLL NaTuRaL BrUNeTTe HoTTie w/ KiLLeR LeGGz & aMaZiNg BoDy]]] - 27
FLEXIBLE Hot Freak WiTh 36DD 100% All Me!!! SaTiSfAcTiOn GuArEnTeEd!! WeEkEnD SpEcIaLs - 28
Cute College Co-ed, Party Girl for Good Times! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
~Escorting Of A Higher Excellence~ Sexy Patience 60$ special all day Friday..Bolivar,mo. - 31
(Springfield, Bolivar, Mo(Private Residence))
❤️Brunette Bombshell!! 💣 Spontaneous!! 💋 & curvy in all the right ✔️ places!!! - 23
(Springfield, Springfield and surrounding areas)
-Carmel *Treat*( luscious_freak ) early bird specials!!!! - 23
(Springfield, Springfield In & Outcalls)
Branson incall BUSTY playmate... OuTcall Everywhere - 23
(Springfield, branson, Springfield, outcalls)
BUILT➋ PLEASE👌❖βrυπεττε Cυτiε w/ α βσστγ❖╠╣αNDS Down T╠╣e BEST ArⓞuNd❖Wεℓℓ Rɛɤɪɛωεɗ ☎Cαℓℓ➜80 InCaLL - 30
(Springfield, North Spfd Incall/Outcalls 24/7-80Incall)
[[ *S P E C I A L S *]]__[[* S M O K I N H O T B O D Y *]] __ [[* R E A D Y T O P L A Y *]] - 21
(Springfield, S Spfld)
Wed 08 Jan
HOT & READY ... Beautiful Latina Visiting From Miami .. 100% FIRST CHOICE - 22
(Springfield, INcALL / OUTCALL)
A dream come true
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In your arms ;))
50% OFF overnights 708-762-9612 PROOF PICS ! Trucker Friendly 😍TRAVEL EVERYWHERE🌎 ! 50% - 28
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, TRAVEL EVERYWHERE)
MixeD LATINA Call NoW ✨💦✨💦✨💦✨CoMe PlAy In My TreASuReS ✨💦✨💦✨💦✨💦 - 22
(Springfield, Springfield i go to you)
busty all natural sweetness! pure bliss & kinky fun awaits!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
🌟💯% ME ‼️No Regrets💞ExoTic petite PLAYMATE 💯% ME or time is FREE ‼️ 🌟 - 22
(Springfield, N. Springfield‼️springfield 🏪)
It's PLaY Time → A GreenEyed Indian TreaT ★ Flawless & Delightful Skills You will LOVE! Up Early - 25
(Springfield, ★((((outcalls + incalls))★)
(Springfield, ♥ SPRINGFIELD ♥)
Dallas is ready to rock you to the core baby!! Private ass/fun attitude/wild fun! - 48
Candace is here ta melt all ur stress away ;) - 23
(Springfield, Springfield branson and surrounding area)
BAILY's backSexy man Speci@ls for an un leashed full time experience call me 4173657065 - 25
(Springfield, south springfield in/out)
★ 1o0 iNcALL ★ SeXy BoDy & PrEttY FaCe ★ sMooTh CaRAMeL cOMpLeXioN - 25
(Springfield, Springfield.. in/out)
(👸🐝B£AUTIFUL! ) 💯R£AL!! 👅🙊 £XTR£M£Ly SKiLL£D 🍌💦=====> 💗😈 BuSTy SeXy BuNNy🐰🎀< - 25
(Springfield, Springfield ,surr areas)
Brunette Catering To Sophisticated Hard Workin Gentlemen Come Play Kelly Available Now 417-365-9225 - 20
(Springfield, north springfield)
$100HH •☆• PeTiTe NauGTy HoTTie •☆• °°°Let ME be YOUR Sexy Secret°°° AWESOME REVIEWS ID 259771 - 24
(Springfield, battlefield rd)
$200 1HR > E Dysfunction?If U answered YES 2 all 4 questions, then U should definitely meet TANTRA - 55
(Springfield, IN ONLY 2 hr NOTICE)