Tue 07 Jan
+*+ ExOtIc^ InDiAn^ MiX +*+ UNRUSHED *UnFoRgEtTaBLe *(AMAZING) *+* BeAuTiFuL!! - 26
(Springfield, *+*sPrInGfIELd&SuRrOuNdInG;*in/outcall)
(( ExTremeLy SEXY BruNette )) °o•★©•° ADDICTIVE CuTie With a SMacCkABle BooTy 100 In & 170 Out - 28
"CHERRY" ♥ YoU OnLy ThOuGhT BlOnDs HaD MoRe FuN!PiN-UP ReDH*E*A*D LaSt DaY HeRe! DoNt MiSS OuT - 29
(Springfield, S. Springfield)
CODiE ___S__I__M __P__L__Y__ (¯`'.¸__ ★ __¸.'´¯) G__O__R__ G__E__O__U__S__ CODiE - 21
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD / Surrounding areas)
$$ *Certified* Exotic Vixen *Green-eyed* Indian Angel $$Military 1hr. Specials$$ - 27
(Springfield, FLW in/outcall)
** Cheapest Rates Ever OutCall B/L/O/N/D/E C/U/R/V/Y - - BUSTY -B/L/U/E/ - E/Y/E /S * CaLL Me - 33
***B@îlÿ'$ b@ck ask @ my$exy ' man $pecial a FULL unleashed session call or text me at 4173657065 - 25
(Springfield, in/ out)
24/7 DAY && NIGHT ==► ( *KiLLeR BoDy* ✔ ((*EBoNY GoddesS* ✔ —☆YOUR NEW ♥ FAVORITE ✔ ☆ *CALL NOW✔ - 22
~~~~~~>NEWღ (¯`v´¯) ღ INCREDIBLE HOT BLONDE BARBIE ღ (¯`v´¯) ღ -NEWღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
(Springfield, Springfield & Joplin Area)
♚Available NOW. Busty Brunette.Sweet &Sexy;♛♚ - 24
(Springfield, OuTCaLLs. SpRingFiELd & SuRrouNDinG)
Angel Face* tHiCk~ cUrVy& SO HyPnOtiC *UnBeLiEvAbLe 80$pEciAL$ eArLyByRd, LuNcH& lAtEnIgHt too! - 26
(Springfield, SpRiNgFiELd (iN/oUtCaLLs))
%100% Real + Beautiful Blue eyes+ Curves + Soft white skin + Come on lets have fun together! - 18
(Springfield, springfield - outcall only!! today.)
aNgEl EyEs WiTh a SiNfUl sMiLe!! $pEcIaLs aLLdAy & nIgHt dOn'T mIsS oUt!! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield,Mo)
1o0 INCaLL* -* sPEcIALs *-*SeXy*-*&*-* Talented*-*!!! AVAILABLE NOW - 27
(Springfield, Springfield in/out)
▓█ ◤◢ 80 ◤◢ Mmmmmm Mary Jane... ONLY in TOWN till NOON TOM! ◤◢ 80 ◤◢ █▓ - 24
(Springfield, ȯ South SpRiNgFiElD BaBy ;))
»»»» **** available now***** Beautiful Angel NEW pictures ++++++++ - 21
(Springfield, South springfield)
▅ ▆ █ ♡A SwEeT TrEat JuSt 4 YoU! ♡█ ▆ ▅ ▃ FT. WOOD IN & OUT CALLS! - 21
(Springfield, Springfield In Calls & Out Calls)
║║║║ ▃★★SWEET ★★SEXY ★★LOVELY? ★★ Asian★★ Make You —VerY Happy - 22
(220 w sunshine st. springfield, Springfield)
💄💕 NOT a CD, TV, or "Shemale", An Actual t-GIRL! ❤🍭👯 Completely Passable! 👯🍭❤ NO Cheapies! 💰💎💲 - 19
(¯`'•.¸ ✦ ¸.•'´¯) _€_X_Â_C_†_L_¥ ;• _W_H_Â_† ° _U_ ;• Ñ_€_€_Ð ° (¯`'•.¸ ✦ ¸.•'´¯)LAST NIGHT HERE - 24
(Springfield, Springfield and surroundings)
Where Do You Go When Your Wife Says No? Let Me Satisfy Those Urges for You! ;) - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In town)
💕💕☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅βяυηεττε ßεαuty ω/ɑ ßøøty💋ξ×ɫʀɛмεℓу Ταℓεηɫε̠ɗ ℓıρs & ɦıρs💋 - 30
(Springfield, Springfield area Incalls/Outcalls)
YOU will LOVE every minute of OUR TIME!!DOUBLE the fun!!! - 23
(Springfield, springfield/fort wood/surr areas)
Your ultimate dream girl is available right now!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
UnFoRGeTTaBLe Brunette HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs & a SeNSaUL Touch~WeLL ReVIeWeD - 29
(Springfield, south springfield Incalls/Outcalls)
ŠuP€r Sexxii »»ARMONI :) «« SeDuCtIve SaTiSfyINg !!!!! (•)(•) Mixed PlaYmATe 8===> - - 25
(Springfield, Springfield.. incall SPECIALS)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A——:¦:•L•O • O • K•:¦:——— ☆° ☆ [ 1OOO% REAL] - 26
(Springfield, St. Roberts and Surrounding areas)
They Say A Picture Is With A Thousand Words, Ours Still Leave You Speechless-Well Reviewed - 22
{♥} •:*:• Tis the season to be Holly •:*:• {♥} ; } that's me....Special holiday prices! - 25
(Springfield, Springfield, mo)
💋💥The Fanta§y R¡d€ߑ💥💋C💓M€ FaLL ¡N L0V€ W¡Th Th€ G®¡P of My L¡P§ߒˠ& ©u®v€§ of My H¡P§ - 30
(Springfield, N Spfd Incall & Spfd Outcalls 24/7)
The Girl Mom Warned You About.... Is All Grown Up Now! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, In town)
💜StormyAllana 💜Is back short time💜❣🅣🅗🅔 💜❣ 🅡🅔🅢🅣 💜 ❣🅓🅞🅝🅣 💜 ❣🅔🅥🅔🅝 💜❣🅒🅞🅜🅟🅐🅡🅔💜❣ - 31
(Springfield, Verified & reviewed 100%safeℜ)
•SEXY• · ★ · •EBONY• · ★ · •TREAT! AvAilable Now! ☺ SPECIAL'S! Up Late!!! - 22
New Cali girl in town Sassy 323.330.4313 Incalls/Outcalls UnFORGETTABlE MeMOIrS - 26
(Springfield, Battlefield Rd)
It's my last couple days in town I'm 100% real call me now $80 specials hh and 100hr HURRY and call - 21
(Springfield, Springfield mo)
♥• N°a°U°g°H°t°Y •♥•[[ BLK / WhiTE ]]•♥• H°o°T°T°i°E •♥•• •♥•• ((GREAT personality)) leaving 2morrow - 20
New 2 U! ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ v¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†☆AMAZiNG SKiLLS🎀 ✘⇗❌⭕❌⭕ H🔥O🔥T 💔 F🔥I🔥R🔥E ❌ - 19
(Springfield, Springfield mo)
--- Layla Marx --- St Louis Finest Quality Provider --- OUTCAll SPECiALS!! - 24
(St. Louis, outcall anywhere)
🔥🔥 looking to turn up the heat? well look no further 🔥🔥 - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, everywhere)
Just What You Need to Relax All Over... Baby I Do It Right!! No Disapointments! - 22
(Springfield, Incall Special or Out)
////(((((( Last Day )))))))///////// Hottest Bombshell In Town!!!!!! Don't miss out - 28
(Springfield, 100% Real, veifified and HIGHLY reviewed)
👀look no further👱let me cater to u😻💦tease &please;👴💏👨💋guaranteed satisfaction👌 - 28
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, SE Missouri, Springfield)
In/out call !_💥 STOP 💥[[A MUST See]] 💁Seductive VixXxeN 🍰🎂watch it 😍((Wiggle))&((JiGGle)) 😛👅Upscale - 19
(Springfield, Northside ih44 truck parking)
Like your GirL ThiCK & SeXXy. 👑💋Host WhO does ThE MosT! TRUcker FrIeNDlY!! - 26
(Springfield, Springfield/OUTcall. OR INcall)
🎰JACKP🎱T!!🎰 EbOnY BeAuTy!‼️🎯 Immaculate SkiLLs🎲🎲 SuPeR sE❌y‼️24/7‼️letz PaRtY💋Call Now‼️) - 30
(Springfield, Springfield↔travel)
If You are lonely call Amy Weekend deals for you, Special on Massage. Return Customer deals
(Springfield and surrounding)
hurry hurry,new in town just passing through!! SPECIALS ALL WEEK =] - 21
(springfield && surrounding areas)
ð I know how to work it!!! 160 hour until 10pm ()()() You Wîll Love M€ Baby!! :-) Passionate + Playf - 26
(Springfield, 200 hour 130 half hour)