Thu 09 Jan
>>> *FLW* ~HIGHLY REVIEWED~ *♥NaTuRaL RedHead♥ "FiRe" w/ BOOTY(_!_)
(Springfield, FLW/St Robert(Incall))
█ ▀█ SEXY ❤❤❤ HOT█▀ █ █ ▀█ CLASSY ❤❤❤ BRUNETTE █▀ █ █ ▀█ CALL ME! ❤❤❤ █▀ █ █ ▀█ - 23
(Springfield, springfield/fort wood/surr areas)
hEY guys call me il bring everything you see here plus everything you dont/ 3145563105 - 27
(airport area)
C_a_R_A_M_e_L H_o_T_t_i_E ))===> sLiM WaiSt w/ jUiCy B ѼѼ TY - 27
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding Areas)
Available Now! I am Hot, Sexy, Independent and Real! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
************ NoW In Springfield ************ Big Booty Playmate Diamond - 23
(Springfield, South Springfield / E Monastery St)
* *(¯`'• PeRfEcT BooTy •'´¯) F R E A K Y ♥W H I T E ♥G I R L (¯`' • NeW PiX •'´¯) * * - 24
(Springfield, *Springfield*)
Wed 08 Jan
VISITING NOW - Adult Film Starlet ✨Paris Pirelli✨💋 Need I Say More❓❓🌟10" 🐴 36F 🙀 GOOGLE ME - 69
(Springfield, Springfield ( Off I-44 ))
💚Gorgeous Blonde Sexy Vixen At your Disposal💚$100 Specials INcalls - 30
(Springfield, Springfield & Surrounding)
FiNaLLy HeRe !!! LIMITED TIME ONLY !!!!!!! 80 !!! JuciY BooTY !! LAST NighT IN tOWN - 23
( FLAWLSS!!! ) Back By Popular Demand * BLONDE BABE * Come Play With The BEST - 20
New! Hot! And Waiting for you!
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Take a chance and get to know me☺️ I know you'll ❤️ me❗️ - 21
(18th Vine KCs Jazz District 🎹🎷🎼🎤, Columbia/Jeff City, Kansas City, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
Your Sexy Little Secret, and Nobody Needs to Know! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, In town, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
WELCOME..ME to springfield gentlemen....IM BRAND NEW HERE.CALLZARA @4177080765 - 23
(Springfield, &surrounding; areas.(will travel))
[ W€ll R€VI€W€D [B€§† CH♥iC€ ] Øn€ Dا€ YØU'LL B€ HØØK€D [GØRG€ØU§ FaC€ & KiLL€R CURV€S] - 28
(Springfield, SPRINGFIELD OUTCALLS 24/7)
She's Back! 💋💋 Best Service💋Best Action!💋 We❤️2⃣Pleeze U👄👄👄👄 - 22
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis, OutCall)
🌹✿•✰ LeT ✰ Me ✰ WorK ✰ My ✰ MaGiC ✰•✿••Super Sweet With lil Naughty No Fakes, 100% Satisfaction~~~ - 29
(Springfield, springfield,and surrounding)
INDEPENDENT: Exotic and Passionate Fun for U! - 19
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
573@825@3422 ~YOU~ *R * G_ O_ N_ N_ A ~L_ O_ V_ E~ {M E} 100% real PICS - 26
(Springfield, springfield OUT/IN call)
Beautiful bunny 🐰 💓 Soft & Sweet😇 - 26
(Columbia/Jeff City, Joplin, Kansas City, Kirksville, Lake Of The Ozarks, New in town, SE Missouri, Springfield, St Joseph, St. Louis)
( ExTremeLy SEXY BruNette ) °o•★©•° ADDICTIVE CuTie W/ a SMaCkABle BooTy & WeLL ReVieWeD - 29
$ 150 Special (( ★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG* ★ )) __*1OO% REAL*__ ((( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★))) - 19
(Springfield, springfiled INCALL AN OUT CALLS)
((NEW)) Your Clothes Would L00K Amazing On My Floor - No 1 Does IT Like Me - Highly Reviewed ((NEW)) - 34
(Springfield, Springfield - UPSCALE IN CALL)
Tue 07 Jan
have a piece of KAMI ! you will lov3 my big beautiful BOOB$ - 38
(Springfield, springfield ,in & out calls $pecial$)
>>>♡YOUNG n FUN and at YOUR SERVICE! >Call ME 417 894 6615♡
(Springfield, springfield my place Incall)
Its EASY as ABC BRANDY and CANDACE combined!!!! - 23
(Branson springfield and surrounding area, Springfield)
**Popularity Win$ and She'$ Back!!!!!**** HeatherHunter (Highly Perferred) - 25
(Springfield, springfeild/surrounding area)
◤♥◢ [SmOKiN hOt -CLICK HERE!!] •♥• [SWEET & PETITE] •♥•Blonde [BARBIE] ◤♥◢ - 20
(Springfield, springfield can travel branjop.)
»»» NEW BEST SPECiAL N SPRiNGFIELD ««« Carmel Juicy Booty + Hour Glass Frame 1"!!! - 69
(Springfield, Springfield & LEAVE 100% Satisfied ¡)
KiLLeR CuRvEs [[LoNg SiLkY LeGs]] BeAuTiFuL BruNeTTe HoTTiE w/ AmAzInG SKiLLs! { 100 InCaLL } - 28